
Reading aloud to your child: This is why reading aloud is so important

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Reading aloud is essential for your child's development. However, parents used to read much more to their children in the past than is the case nowadays. What a shame! In this blog, we'll explain why reading aloud is so important and provide some tips to make reading more enjoyable for you and your child!

Why reading aloud is so beneficial for your child

Young children learn from what's happening around them. This also applies to learning language and new words. All the language learned by children at a young age is based on what they hear. When families communicate and talk a lot with each other, you'll notice that your child learns to speak much faster and develops a broader vocabulary over time. Reading aloud at a young age contributes to this as well. Not sure where to start? Try reading a book together for half an hour before bedtime! You can always adjust the duration to find a rhythm that works for both of you.

Tips to make reading aloud more enjoyable

To make reading even more enjoyable, here are some tips:

  • Engage your child in the story while reading. This is also called interactive reading. You can ask your child questions during reading or have them act out expressions and emotions that occur in the story. This helps your child recognize emotions. After reading the story together, it's also a good idea to ask your child for their opinion, like "What did you think of the chapter or the characters in the book?" This contributes to your child's oral language skills.
  • Incorporate reading together into the bedtime routine. Not only does this let your child know that bedtime is approaching, but it also creates a precious moment for both of you. Plus, reading is a truly relaxing activity and can be done in the evening.
  • Let your child choose the book themselves! This makes reading aloud enjoyable for both of you. Would you like to see your child pick up a book from the shelf more often? You can encourage this by letting your child choose the books themselves from now on.
  • Read together more often. Research has shown that children who read are less likely to get bored at school, develop better concentration, and are generally more eager to learn. Reading a good book has so many benefits...
  • Turn the book into a role-play! Try reenacting a chapter from the book you're reading with the family. This appeals to your child's social skills and is sure to make for a fun afternoon.

So, as you can see, there are plenty of options and tips to make reading a fun occasion. It doesn't have to be boring at all! What was your favorite book when you were a child?

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