Planning: this is how you help your child with making and following one

Kind plannen

Planning can be difficult and not always enjoyable. Our little ones prefer to play with toys all day and don't worry about doing homework or planning tasks. As a parent, this can be challenging because how do you encourage your little one to still carry out and complete tasks? This week, we'll share our tips to help your child with task planning.

Planning, why is it important for my child?

Structure is important in our daily lives, and even though young children have fewer deadlines, they will eventually encounter time pressure. Learning to plan at a young age contributes to peace of mind later in life. Additionally, your little one learns to take responsibility for fulfilling commitments and completing tasks. This skill is valuable not only in school or at work, but also in managing household chores and interacting with others. Time is one of our most precious assets, making it valuable for your child to learn good management.

Our 3 tips to help your child plan

Planning doesn't have to be boring. In fact, the right interactive approach may make planning enjoyable for your child. We're here to help you get started with three of our tips to turn your little one into a true master of time management.
  1. Hang a colorful calendar: Avoid those dull kitchen calendars with no color or cheerful tone. You know the ones. They're not the most ideal way to encourage your little one to jot down appointments. That's why we recommend a calendar with a cheerful vibe. Hang it at a reachable height for the little ones.
  2. Create a mind map: Does your little one ever feel unsure about what to do? Don't worry, a mind map can help generate ideas. Write the word "tasks" in the middle of the paper and branch out from there to include all household chores, homework, and playdates with friends. This way, you'll know exactly what's on the agenda for the upcoming days in no time.
  3. Use timers and alarms: Does your child want to play a little longer before starting homework? That's not a problem as long as you keep track of time. A timer can help you avoid losing track of time with a fun sound. Did you know we also have alarms in our assortment? You could use the alarm creatively to time homework sessions.

Planning can be a real challenge. Fortunately, children are very enthusiastic with the right encouragement. How will you start planning tasks with your child?

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