This is how you protect your child from bullying

Zo bescherm jij jouw kind tegen pesten

It's a nightmare scenario for every parent: your child is being bullied. Help, what now? Unfortunately, it still happens today and it could happen to your child too. Fortunately, as a parent, there's a lot you can do to help your child. In this blog, we provide our tips to assist your child with bullying behavior from peers and, perhaps even more importantly, how to recognize signs of bullying in your child.

These are the signs to look out for in your child

Every child and every situation is different. However, there are signs that many children exhibit. For example, do you notice that your little adventurer suddenly exhibits different behavior? Be alert and talk to your child. Bullying can change the emotional state of your children, causing them to behave differently. This could include social withdrawal but also changes in their enthusiasm for going to school. If your child's school performance changes in a way you're not used to, also talk to your little one. It could be that your child has a very good reason for those "lower" grades. Lastly, pay attention to physical signs. If bullying involves physical violence, your child may be affected by it.

How do you prevent your child from becoming or remaining a victim of bullying?

Perhaps you recognize a sign and find out that your child is being bullied. That's, of course, an unpleasant experience for your little one. But fortunately, as a parent, you can offer a lot of support and even help resolve the situation. Below are our four tips to prevent your child from becoming or remaining a victim of bullying behavior.
  1. Start the conversation: Talking can really help. When your child talks to you, it strengthens your bond of trust. This bond prevents your child from feeling alone. This way, your child feels that there are solutions.
  2. Contact the school: As a parent, you can't be present at school all day. That's why teachers are a good ally to keep an eye on things. Teachers are also trained to address bullying behavior. Therefore, they can act in a way that will truly help your child.
  3. Consider online bullying: Nowadays, bullying doesn't just happen on school grounds. Children also experience bullying online. By teaching your children from a young age about cyberbullying, you make them resilient to the dangers of the internet. Prevention is better than cure.
  4. Educate about bullying behavior: Even if your child is not being bullied, it's a good idea to discuss the consequences of bullying with them. By teaching your child what the consequences of bullying are, they avoid bullying situations, or becoming the instigator of bullying themselves. This ensures that your child is spared and ultimately that fewer children will experience bullying.

How do you initiate the conversation with your children about bullying?