How do you teach your children about gender equality?

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On March 8th, it's officially International Women's Day. Every parent or caregiver, regardless of gender, should teach their children about gender equality. In this blog, we share useful tips and activities to help children learn about gender equality.

What is International Women's Day and why do we celebrate it?

International Women's Day, also known as "Women's Day," is a day celebrated annually on March 8th to emphasize the importance of equality and empowerment of women worldwide. It's a day to honor and appreciate our mothers, sisters, friends, grandmothers, and all women in our lives. But why exactly do we celebrate Women's Day? Simply put, it's a day to showcase the significance of women and to remind us of the many challenges women face globally, such as workplace inequality, unpaid labor, and lack of political power.

Teach your children about gender equality with these four activities

By teaching your children about gender equality from a young age, you lay the foundation for future understanding. This can be done by telling stories about strong and inspiring women, engaging in activities that emphasize the importance of women, or honoring the cherished women in your lives during this day. In short, there are many ways to celebrate Women's Day and demonstrate the importance of women.

If you'd like to teach your children about gender equality, here are some ideas on how to do it:

  • Learn the story behind International Women's Day: Start by explaining to your children why we celebrate International Women's Day and what it signifies. This can involve reading books, watching educational videos, and discussing the topic.
  • Support charities focused on women's rights: Show your children how they can make a difference by supporting charities focused on women's rights. This can be done through donating money, participating in an event, or volunteering together. Another option is to collaborate on projects and activities aimed at promoting equal rights and opportunities for all genders. There are plenty of initiatives available online nowadays.
  • Appreciate the women in your surroundings: Perhaps not the standard answer, but sometimes learning about gender equality can also involve the women in your immediate environment. Encourage your children to thank women in their surroundings by making a thoughtful gesture or by discussing gender equality together. A little kindness can go a long way.
  • Learn about prominent female activists: Emphasize the importance of fighting for equality and fair treatment by teaching your children about prominent female activists and their stories. There are many educational activities specifically designed to help children understand what gender equality means and why it's important. These are definitely worth exploring!

When it comes to gender equality, there's no right or wrong. It's important to approach children in a positive manner and give them the space to develop their own perspectives. Boys may enjoy playing with dolls, and girls may enjoy playing with dinosaur figures and toy cars. As parents, you don't need to jump to conclusions about this. Remember that learning about gender equality is an ongoing process, and children will continue to evolve in their understanding as they grow older.

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